Version 3.0.10 of the Oxford Mosaic platform was released on 07 February 2019.
New features
- Symplectic Elements integration updated to use version 5.5 of the Symplectic API
- Labels have been introduced to some item styles. These can optionally be used in place of Call to Actions
- Font and colour settings have been introduced for item style Labels
- Site Owners and Administrators can now upload filesizes up to 100MB
- Site Contributors, Site Authors, and Site Editors can now only upload filesizes up to 5MB
- New 'Card' item styles exist for Grid and List listing widgets
- WYSIWYGs can now be saved without content. WYSIWYGs without content are not visible to web end users; content editors can edit these WYSIWYGs via Quickedit as well as full page edit
- The main text field in Landscape, Image Text, and Breaker item styles now uses a full WYSIWYG text editor
- Content titles and subtitles can now be aligned to page regions, and can be aligned to content which uses the narrow width setting
- Font configuration has been introduced for Primary and Secondary Header Links
Bug fixes
- Events date filtering using a date range now respects start date and end date
- Underline styling has been removed from icons in Primary and Secondary Headers links
- Saving a page with just a title and no page content does not cause an error
- Improved speed of results loading when using Linkit's 'Search by title' content selector
- Improved the behaviour of the Linkit automatically populating the 'title' field when content is selected: now the 'title' field will only be automatically populated if it is empty
- Editing shared content on the source site no longer breaks taxonomy term matching on consuming sites
- Fixed link behaviour for statically-generated Grid items to send end users to the destination page's primary URL alias
Further information
- Various Drupal modules were updated