Version 3.2.7 of the Oxford Mosaic platform was released on 23 Jan 2020.
Bug fixes
- We've worked on some Symplectic syncing improvements to make sure the Publications listing widget displays the correct content
- We've made changes to the Vacancy listing widget so it can handle the display of jobs where the salary information is witheld
- The options to set logos have been worked on as logos weren't displaying in some instances
- We've made some changes to the search input field to make it more accessible
- Collapsed widget titles were disappearing from the editing interface once one of the widgets was edited - we've fixed this so the titles persist
- Improved the way that paginated views of Grid and List listings are updated, following a change to the listed content
- Revised the order of heading tags to make pages more accessible to people using screen-reading software
- Widgets in templated content are now fully locked to that content, and cannot be removed
- Fixed a sporadic error affecting the ability to upload files to Webforms
Further information