Version 1.1 of the Oxford Mosaic platform has been released, containing a number of improvements.
Symplectic Integration
We now have Symplectic integration allowing profile pages to automatically populate with the publications associated with a person's profile. Editors can also choose whether to display all publications or just those marked as favourites within Symplectic.
For bonus points we have also enabled Altmetic tags on your publications.
Profile page self-editing
Individuals that have a personal profile page on a website can now edit their details without needing to be content editors. This has been a very popular request and we hope it will significantly reduce the overhead of maintaining person profiles.
Slideshow widget extensions
We have added the Carousel layout option allowing multiple images to be displayed at once and we have also added an additional display style for displaying full images with overlayed text.
Widgets can now be added within Tabbed and Accordion layouts
A very popular request to enable all widgets to be added to both Tabbed and Accordion layouts.
Listing widgets can have pre-defined taxonomy filters
Content editors can now select one or more taxonomies in the listing widget configuration to force these to be pre-selected for the user.
Other small improvements
- Implemented validation on URL alias
- New Event types of Alumni Event and Research Event
Fixes for existing issues
- Missing home page does not result in a 404
- Applying a Listing filter within an Accordion no longer minimises the Accordion section
- Content no longer overflows under certain conditions
- Filtering on People pages is now working fully