Version 4.0.6 of the Oxford Mosaic platform was released on 21 May 2020. It includes functionality developed for release 4.0.5.
- We've added dropdown links to the site administration menu to make it easier access to common sub-areas of site administration
- Major overhaul to Search: over several rounds of development work, we've changed the way Search works on your sites. Here's an overview of what's changed:
- Search now indexes the contents of documents. Documents won't appear straight away in search results but they will begin to appear as they are indexed over the next week.
- You can now define up to 3 'search scopes' for use on your site - these can be for: your site; a collection of Mosaic sites which you define; an external search provider.
- The Search tab in Site Settings has been revised to accommodate the new search scopes and their configuration options
- We redesigned the search results page: if you use more than one search scope, the search results for each scope will appear in tabs on the results page; more information is also provided for each result.
- For sites which are currently using the 'Shared search' functionality, you'll notice the radio buttons for "This site" and your search collection have gone from Search bar in the header. Your search collection still exists; your end-users will now get the option of viewing the search results for "This site" and your search collection in tabs on the search results page.
- Read our new article to find out more about the improvements to search functionality
- There were some IE11-specific editing bugs, which we've fixed
- We resolved a bug which was causing accessibility issues for some admin features
- We fixed a bug which prevented Taxonomy Terms from being saved in a new order
- Video backgrounds on Banner and Slideshow widgets were ignoring start and end time parameters - we've fixed this