Version 3.0.3 of the Oxford Mosaic platform was released on 01 November 2018.
New features
- You can now set the set font style and margin options for the Breadcrumb
- Shared Content contact information (accessible using the 'Contact information' button on the Manage Content > Content screen) displays information about the user who last updated the content
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect content aliases to be generated in certain circumstances
- Some usability issues around generating links with Linkit have been addressed
- Fixed an issue where pages in stored in the server cache were not fully cleared when a menu link was updated. This will improve the ability to view updates to menu links, once the changes to the menu have been saved
- Improved clearing of pages stored in the server cache for sites using custom domains. This will improve the ability to view updates to pages on a site's custom domain, once the edits have been saved on the site's platform ( domain