Mosaic Releases - 4.5.2 Release Notes

Version 4.5.2 of the Oxford Mosaic platform was released on 2 November 2021.

New features

  • If you notice out of date content on the full Publications listing page (i.e. the page of publications that is viewed when a website visitor clicks on the Publications widget's 'More' button), you can now use the 'Refresh live page' button to try updating it.

Bug fixes

  • Accessibility fixes for issues affecting tab order and the visibility of in-focus elements in the admin menu.
  • PDFs are now appearing in Section Search results.
  • Play/Pause buttons on video backgrounds were being duplicated, and causing accessibility issues. We've fixed this now.
  • Certain characters in Call-to-Action button labels were being encoded as HTML; we've fixed it so they display as text.

Further information

  • We've updated some of the Drupal modules used on the platform.
  • We've done some investigations into an updated cookie compliance plugin, and how to integrate this into the platform.
  • We've also looked into the upgrades to search functionality being done by our platform hosts, and how this will integrate with search on Mosaic sites.