User level: Site Owner; Site Administrator
All Mosaic sites are provisioned with a platform address using the following format:
<your site's domain prefix> This address is tied to the Mosaic platform and cannot be taken elsewhere to use with a non-Mosaic site if you decide to leave the platform. If the .web address is your primary domain and you decide to leave the Mosaic platform, you can use the redirects functionality to maintain search engine optimisation during the transition to a new site. You can find out more about this on the URLs and redirects documentation.
It is possible to add up to two custom domains that your site can be accessible from. Please note: six-part custom domains are not supported.
Before entering a custom domain name on the Domains screen, ensure that it has been registered with the University's Domains Registrar and has been properly configured to point to the Mosaic platform's server. Further information on using custom domain names on Oxford Mosaic sites and how University policy applies is available at: