Taxonomy terms display


User level: Site Owner; Site Administrator; Site Editor; Site Author

The 'Taxonomy terms display' widget can be used to show all taxonomy terms associated with a page on the page itself.

This enables the end-user to see related terms and access other content which might be of interest.

For example, you could add the 'Taxonomy terms display' widget to a Person page. In our example for Professor Joe Soap, the taxonomy terms are displayed for the taxonomies called Research interest, Period, Region, Supervision, and College:



By clicking on the link provided for each taxonomy term listed by the widget, the end-user is taken to a 'Taxonomy Term Display' page, which lists all content on the website which has been tagged with the term (i.e. in our example, this means a term page wouldn't just display the content associated with Professor Soap but would collate all site content tagged with the specified taxonomy term). This provides a list of related content across the various content subtypes. Further information about how to configure the appearance of the displayed term pages, and an example published page, can be found on the taxonomies documentation.

Using the taxonomy terms display widget

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  • You will have created your required taxonomies and the list of terms for each taxonomy (learn about this on the taxonomy administration documentation)
  • Go to the Details tab for the page on which you want to use a 'taxonomy terms display' widget
  • Select the relevant terms. For example, the terms which are applicable to Professor Joe Soap and will be shown on their Person page:

Research interest: Architecture, Websites

Period: Modern

Region: Europe, UK and Ireland, USA

Supervision: DPhil, Masters

College: Wolfson

screenshot selecting taxonomies in details tab for taxonomy terms display widget



  • Choose the taxonomy terms display widget from the drop-down list:


screenshot add taxonomy terms display widget


  • add a title to display above the widget on the published page, as required. For example, 'Related content'
  • select your preferred options for showing vocabulary labels (this means the name of each taxonomy), top or bottom margin and display width:
screenshot options for taxonomy terms display widget

This example doesn't have a widget title. It only displays links to the specified taxonomy terms, It doesn't display the names of the taxonomies the terms belong to:

screenshot published page for taxonomy terms display widget used on person page showing links to taxonomy term pages without vocabulary labels


This example shows the taxonomy terms display widget on the published page using the configuration options for a widget title ('Related content') and vocabulary labels (taxonomy names) called Research interest, Period, Region, Supervision, and College:

screenshot published page for taxonomy terms display widget used on person page showing links to taxonomy term pages with widget title and vocabulary labels